Rend / 10.24.2020
Collage (7.25” x 6.5”)
The Orb / 11.07.2020
Collage (6.25” x 4.5”)
Katie Wolf
Katie Wolf is a collage artist based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Her work explores how ripping and tearing—actions we associate with destruction and ruin—create new relationships between divergent materials. Collage preserves the decay of these found, and often ephemeral, materials and rewards those who look closely in search of connections. Katie graduated with Honors in Studio Art from Wake Forest University.
“The power was out in the library that day. I wandered the stacks and found an old, discarded art history textbook in a ‘FREE BOOKS’ pile. Caravaggio—the Italian painter whose luscious light has always made me smile. I pulled this withered book out from underneath some old law policy manuals and flipped through the pages by a window for light. Tearing a few pages of reproduced images, I waited for the power to come back on while piecing these images back together again. These discarded pages, destined for some recycling center, were torn and reconstructed into something I hope resembles homage to an artist so widely respected for bringing and sustaining light in this world.”