“the original tweet [captured below] was a poem; i just pulled at the string and out tumbled this. mothers / guilt and a very weak mimicry of zachary schomberg. (i know. i couldn’t convince it to be anything else. potatoes are very stubborn.)”
one of my potatoes hatched
and has run away from home.
i should say: my potato
is a rabbit. all my potatoes are rabbits
but not all my rabbits are potatoes.
you can live a long time, you know,
applying so much math to things.
my potato is in hiding
because she’s afraid. she’s afraid
because i am big,
and not a potato,
and because she is pregnant.
if you find my potato, please
be careful not to startle her. being a mother,
and a potato, she has eyes
in the back of her head
that are starting to root.
i hope she doesn’t eat
the babies i hope she
doesn’t eat the babies
if she eats the babies,
i will understand
it will have been
my fault