"I'm telling you what I saw"

Ronna Bloom

Ronna Bloom is the author of six poetry collections. Her most recent book is The More. New work is forthcoming in Literary Review of Canada and Best Canadian Poetry 2021. She has collaborated with filmmakers, architects, and conservationists and has exhibited work in Canada, the UK, and Italy. Ronna developed the Poet in Residence program at Sinai Health and is Poet in Community to the University of Toronto. Her chapbook Who is your mercy contact? will be published by Espresso in the fall of 2021.

“‘I’m telling you what I saw’ was written for the girl in the 1994 film Sátántangó, by Bela Tarr.”

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They were dancing inside the pub, six or seven of them, uncles and cousins, falling on each other, lassoing each other’s necks, stumbling, kissing each other’s heads. Drunk, so drunk they couldn’t stand. They were like trees pulled up in a storm and swayed into water. They looked dangerously unhappy. They looked like they could drown. They had been abandoned by sun and crops and government and sobriety. The clocks ticked and no one stopped. I stood on my tiptoes so I could see. No one saw me watching from the window, the bitter rat poison in my pocket, the rain pelting down, my future behind me. If you find me before I take my life, interrupt me?

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